We determine change needs through team coaching with executive boards and management teams. After reviewing the organization’s current processes, we complete a process redesign using the insights, we get from inventory studies and one-on-one interviews. We formulate the monitoring-evaluation criteria and the schedule.
Our focus areas in consultancy are:
- Organizational and Cultural Transformation
- Vision and Strategy Development
- Internal Communication
- Agile Transformation
- Lean Management
- Digitalization
Our Steps That Make Change Management Effective:
1. Create a vision, prioritize
2. Cultivate excitement for change
3. Form an empowered leadership team
4. Initiate action
5. Engage people, empower them to volunteer
6. Create quick wins
7. Manage change related resistances
8. Support with training and coaching, build on the change
9. Celebrate progress through the process
10. Keep it on the agenda by communicating, make it stick
Example of inventory tools we use:
Organizational Transformation Map and Inventory
It is the inventory and research methodology that we use to reveal organizations’ cultural and structural paradigms and make their specific change agendas visible. We made use of Frederick Laloux’s research and his book, entitled “Reinventing Organizations”, for the development of the inventory.