Collaborative Leadership Program
CL (Collaborative Leadership Program) is a platform where organizations that feel the need for change or have made an effort to change will develop the “Collaborative Leadership” model and infrastructure. In the institutions where the CL Program is implemented, we carry out a 5-module study expanded over a few months with teams of 10 to 30 people from different management levels and departments. Organizations can choose to participate in the entire program or select specific modules based on their needs.
Module 1: Clarity
First of all, we are working on making the teams clear about their goals, perceptions of the current situation, and relationship dynamics.
“How does our business environment and relationships require us to be? Where are we now?”
IMPACT: Awareness of perceptions about the current situation, common values, and strengths. Discovery of personal characteristics (roles, communication styles, behaviors) and team dynamics that influence team dynamics
Module 2: Future Ideal
In the Second Module, we support the team in building its future ideal, realizing its values, obstacles, and resources.
“What is the common dream, value proposition, ideal of the team? Which efforts lead there?”
IMPACT: Determining the team’s common future dream (Common vision) and the routes (Strategy) that will achieve the vision, awareness of the obstacles and supports in the system.
Module 3: Prototype
In the third stage, there is the determination and activation of the short-term first steps to initiate the change towards the future ideal.
“Which prototype plans can we create by examining the future ideal and stakeholder dynamics?”
IMPACT: Studies that support creative collaboration. “Prototype” action plan and commitment created by considering the dynamics of internal and external stakeholders
Module 4: Performance
At this stage, we comprehend the short-term first effects of prototype plans with teams. We accelerate by supporting them to shape plans that will lead to the ideal of the future.
“What might be our middle and long term plans for sustainable performance? What can we renew?”
IMPACT: Creating medium and long term plans with lessons learned from prototype implementations. Deciding what to leave behind in order not to return to old patterns. Determination of promotional mechanisms for the dissemination of plans.
Module 5: Evaluation
We create an environment where the path taken through 4 modules is assessed, working and non-working implementations are separated, and progress is celebrated.
“How did we proceed? What are we celebrating?”
IMPACT: Studies that support continuous development with a culture of feedforward, appreciation, and celebration. Individual and institutional paradigms changed in the direction of collaborative leadership. Evaluations on change